
Applied Research.

Visionary Vanguard Group works with a broad range of private, non-profit and governmental organizations to investigate and assess initiatives that seek to improve racial and ethnic disparities and disproportionalities. We understand the importance of being responsive to the role that race, ethnicity and culture play in research and therefore integrate diversity, inclusion and equity throughout the all phases of the evaluation.

Cultural Responsiveness in Research

We consider culture, language, and the various ways diversity presents when developing, conducting and exploring the practical application of research. This ensures a proportionate representation of diverse groups in any and all research studies we conduct for your organization.

Focus groups

Visionary Vanguard Group has expertise in conducting focus groups on a wide range of subjects including community health needs, mental/behavioral health, and societal problems which disproportionately impact racial and ethnic minority groups.

We have expertise in both quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Data Analysis

We assist organizations to make meaningful use of their data by cleaning, analyzing, interpreting, their project-related data.